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airt CLI for accessing airt services.




  • --install-completion: Install completion for the current shell.
  • --show-completion: Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • api-key: A set of commands for managing the ApiKeys...
  • db: A set of commands for importing and...
  • ds: A set of commands for managing datasources...
  • model: A set of commands for querying the model...
  • pred: A set of commands for managing and...
  • token: Get application token for airt service...
  • user: A set of commands for managing users and...
  • version: Return the server and client versions.

airt api-key¤

A set of commands for managing the ApiKeys in the server.

Both the ApiKey and the token can be used for accessing the airt services. However, there is a slight difference in generating and managing the two.

For generating the ApiKey, you first need to get the developer token. Please refer to airt token command documentation to generate one.

After logging in with your developer token, you can create any number of new ApiKeys and can set an expiration date individually. You can also access other commands available as part of airt api-key sub-command to list, revoke the ApiKeys at any time.

Once the new API key is generated, please set it in the AIRT_SERVICE_TOKEN environment variable to start accessing the airt services with it.


$ airt api-key [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • create: Create a new ApiKey
  • details: Get the details of an ApiKey.
  • ls: Get the list of ApiKeys.
  • revoke: Revoke one or more ApiKeys

airt api-key create¤

Create a new ApiKey


  • The name of the ApiKey must be unique. If not, an exception will be raised while creating a new key with an existing key's name.

  • The expiry for an ApiKey is optional. If not passed, then the default value None will be used to create an ApiKey with no expiry date!


$ airt api-key create [OPTIONS] NAME


  • NAME: The name of the ApiKey. [required]


  • -e, --expiry INTEGER: The validity of the API key in number of days. If not passed, then the default value None will be used to create an ApiKey with no expiry date!
  • --otp TEXT: Dynamically generated six-digit verification code from the authenticator app. Please pass this optional argument only if the MFA is enabled for your account.
  • -q, --quiet: Output access token only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt api-key details¤

Get the details of an ApiKey.


$ airt api-key details [OPTIONS] APIKEY


  • APIKEY: ApiKey uuid/name. [required]


  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt api-key ls¤

Get the list of ApiKeys.


$ airt api-key ls [OPTIONS]


  • -u, --user TEXT: user_uuid/username associated with the ApiKey. To get the user account uuid/username, use the airt user details command. If the user_uuid/username is not passed, then the currently logged-in user_uuid/username will be used.
  • -o, --offset INTEGER: The number of ApiKeys to offset at the beginning. If None, then the default value 0 will be used. [default: 0]
  • -l, --limit INTEGER: The maximum number of ApiKeys to return from the server. If None, then the default value 100 will be used. [default: 100]
  • --disabled: If set to True, then the disabled ApiKeys will also be included in the result.
  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -q, --quiet: Output only ApiKey uuids.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt api-key revoke¤

Revoke one or more ApiKeys


$ airt api-key revoke [OPTIONS] KEYS...


  • KEYS...: ApiKey uuid/name to revoke. To revoke multiple keys, please pass the uuids/names separated by space. [required]


  • --user TEXT: user_uuid/username associated with the ApiKey. To get the user account uuid/username, use the airt user details command. If the user_uuid/username is not passed, then the currently logged-in user_uuid/username will be used.
  • --otp TEXT: Dynamically generated six-digit verification code from the authenticator app. Please pass this optional argument only if the MFA is enabled for your account.
  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -q, --quiet: Output only the revoked ApiKey uuid(s).
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt db¤

A set of commands for importing and processing data from sources such as CSV/parquet files, databases, AWS S3 buckets, and Azure Blob Storage.


$ airt db [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • details: Return details of a datablob.
  • from-azure-blob-storage: Create and return a datablob that...
  • from-clickhouse: Create and return a datablob that...
  • from-local: Create and return a datablob from local...
  • from-mysql: Create and return a datablob that...
  • from-s3: Create and return a datablob that...
  • ls: Return the list of datablobs.
  • rm: Delete a datablob from the server.
  • tag: Tag an existing datablob in the server.
  • to-datasource: Process the datablob and return a...

airt db details¤

Return details of a datablob.


$ airt db details [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Datablob uuid. [required]


  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt db from-azure-blob-storage¤

Create and return a datablob that encapsulates the data from an Azure Blob Storage.


$ airt db from-azure-blob-storage [OPTIONS] URI


  • URI: Azure Blob Storage URI of the source file. [required]


  • -c, --credential TEXT: Credential to access the Azure Blob Storage. [required]
  • -cp, --cloud-provider TEXT: The destination cloud storage provider's name to store the datablob. Currently, the API only supports aws and azure as cloud storage providers. If None (default value), then azure will be used as the cloud storage provider.
  • -r, --region TEXT: The destination cloud provider's region to save your datablob. If None (default value) then the default region will be assigned based on the cloud provider. In the case of aws, eu-west-1 will be used and in the case of azure, westeurope will be used. The supported AWS regions are: ap-northeast-1, ap-northeast-2, ap-south-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ca-central-1, eu-central-1, eu-north-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-west-3, sa-east-1, us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2. The supported Azure Blob Storage regions are: australiacentral, australiacentral2, australiaeast, australiasoutheast, brazilsouth, canadacentral, canadaeast, centralindia, centralus, eastasia, eastus, eastus2, francecentral, francesouth, germanynorth, germanywestcentral, japaneast, japanwest, koreacentral, koreasouth, northcentralus, northeurope, norwayeast, norwaywest, southafricanorth, southafricawest, southcentralus, southeastasia, southindia, switzerlandnorth, switzerlandwest, uaecentral, uaenorth, uksouth, ukwest, westcentralus, westeurope, westindia, westus, westus2.
  • -t, --tag TEXT: A string to tag the datablob. If not passed, then the tag latest will be assigned to the datablob.
  • -q, --quiet: Output datablob uuid only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt db from-clickhouse¤

Create and return a datablob that encapsulates the data from a ClickHouse database.

If the database requires authentication, pass the username/password as commandline arguments or store it in the CLICKHOUSE_USERNAME and CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD environment variables.


$ airt db from-clickhouse [OPTIONS]


  • --host TEXT: Remote database host name. [required]
  • --database TEXT: Database name. [required]
  • --table TEXT: Table name. [required]
  • --protocol TEXT: Protocol to use. The valid values are "native" and "http". [required]
  • --index-column TEXT: The column to use as index (row labels). [required]
  • --timestamp-column TEXT: Timestamp column name in the tabel. [required]
  • --port INTEGER: Host port number. If not passed, then the default value 0 will be used. [default: 0]
  • -cp, --cloud-provider TEXT: The destination cloud storage provider's name to store the datablob. Currently, the API only supports aws and azure as cloud storage providers. If None (default value), then aws will be used as the cloud storage provider.
  • -r, --region TEXT: The destination cloud provider's region to save your datablob. If None (default value) then the default region will be assigned based on the cloud provider. In the case of aws, eu-west-1 will be used and in the case of azure, westeurope will be used. The supported AWS regions are: ap-northeast-1, ap-northeast-2, ap-south-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ca-central-1, eu-central-1, eu-north-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-west-3, sa-east-1, us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2. The supported Azure Blob Storage regions are: australiacentral, australiacentral2, australiaeast, australiasoutheast, brazilsouth, canadacentral, canadaeast, centralindia, centralus, eastasia, eastus, eastus2, francecentral, francesouth, germanynorth, germanywestcentral, japaneast, japanwest, koreacentral, koreasouth, northcentralus, northeurope, norwayeast, norwaywest, southafricanorth, southafricawest, southcentralus, southeastasia, southindia, switzerlandnorth, switzerlandwest, uaecentral, uaenorth, uksouth, ukwest, westcentralus, westeurope, westindia, westus, westus2.
  • -u, --username TEXT: Database username. If not passed, the default value 'root' will be used unless the value is explicitly set in the environment variable CLICKHOUSE_USERNAME.
  • -p, --password TEXT: Database password. If not passed, the default value '' will be used unless the value is explicitly set in the environment variable CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD.
  • -f, --filters-json TEXT: Additional parameters to be used when importing data. For example, if you want to filter and extract data only for a specific user_id, pass '{"user_id": 1}'.
  • -t, --tag TEXT: A string to tag the datablob. If not passed, then the tag latest will be assigned to the datablob.
  • -q, --quiet: Output datablob uuid only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt db from-local¤

Create and return a datablob from local csv file.

The API currently allows users to create datablobs from CSV or Parquet files. We intend to support additional file formats in future releases.


$ airt db from-local [OPTIONS]


  • -p, --path TEXT: The relative or absolute path to a local CSV/parquet file or to a directory containing the CSV/parquet files. [required]
  • -cp, --cloud-provider TEXT: The destination cloud storage provider's name to store the datablob. Currently, the API only supports aws and azure as cloud storage providers. If None (default value), then aws will be used as the cloud storage provider.
  • -r, --region TEXT: The destination cloud provider's region to save your datablob. If None (default value) then the default region will be assigned based on the cloud provider. In the case of aws, eu-west-1 will be used and in the case of azure, westeurope will be used. The supported AWS regions are: ap-northeast-1, ap-northeast-2, ap-south-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ca-central-1, eu-central-1, eu-north-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-west-3, sa-east-1, us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2. The supported Azure Blob Storage regions are: australiacentral, australiacentral2, australiaeast, australiasoutheast, brazilsouth, canadacentral, canadaeast, centralindia, centralus, eastasia, eastus, eastus2, francecentral, francesouth, germanynorth, germanywestcentral, japaneast, japanwest, koreacentral, koreasouth, northcentralus, northeurope, norwayeast, norwaywest, southafricanorth, southafricawest, southcentralus, southeastasia, southindia, switzerlandnorth, switzerlandwest, uaecentral, uaenorth, uksouth, ukwest, westcentralus, westeurope, westindia, westus, westus2.
  • -t, --tag TEXT: A string to tag the datablob. If not passed, then the tag latest will be assigned to the datablob.
  • -q, --quiet: Output data id only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt db from-mysql¤

Create and return a datablob that encapsulates the data from a mysql database.

If the database requires authentication, pass the username/password as commandline arguments or store it in the AIRT_CLIENT_DB_USERNAME and AIRT_CLIENT_DB_PASSWORD environment variables.


$ airt db from-mysql [OPTIONS]


  • --host TEXT: Remote database host name. [required]
  • --database TEXT: Database name. [required]
  • --table TEXT: Table name. [required]
  • --port INTEGER: Host port number. If not passed, then the default value 3306 will be used. [default: 3306]
  • -cp, --cloud-provider TEXT: The destination cloud storage provider's name to store the datablob. Currently, the API only supports aws and azure as cloud storage providers. If None (default value), then aws will be used as the cloud storage provider.
  • -r, --region TEXT: The destination cloud provider's region to save your datablob. If None (default value) then the default region will be assigned based on the cloud provider. In the case of aws, eu-west-1 will be used and in the case of azure, westeurope will be used. The supported AWS regions are: ap-northeast-1, ap-northeast-2, ap-south-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ca-central-1, eu-central-1, eu-north-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-west-3, sa-east-1, us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2. The supported Azure Blob Storage regions are: australiacentral, australiacentral2, australiaeast, australiasoutheast, brazilsouth, canadacentral, canadaeast, centralindia, centralus, eastasia, eastus, eastus2, francecentral, francesouth, germanynorth, germanywestcentral, japaneast, japanwest, koreacentral, koreasouth, northcentralus, northeurope, norwayeast, norwaywest, southafricanorth, southafricawest, southcentralus, southeastasia, southindia, switzerlandnorth, switzerlandwest, uaecentral, uaenorth, uksouth, ukwest, westcentralus, westeurope, westindia, westus, westus2.
  • -u, --username TEXT: Database username. If not passed, the default value "root" will be used unless the value is explicitly set in the environment variable AIRT_CLIENT_DB_USERNAME.
  • -p, --password TEXT: Database password. If not passed, the default value "" will be used unless the value is explicitly set in the environment variable AIRT_CLIENT_DB_PASSWORD.
  • -t, --tag TEXT: A string to tag the datablob. If not passed, then the tag latest will be assigned to the datablob.
  • -q, --quiet: Output datablob uuid only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt db from-s3¤

Create and return a datablob that encapsulates the data from an AWS S3 bucket.


$ airt db from-s3 [OPTIONS] URI


  • URI: The AWS S3 bucket uri. [required]


  • --access-key TEXT: Access key for the S3 bucket. If None (default value), then the value from AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable is used.
  • --secret-key TEXT: Secret key for the S3 bucket. If None (default value), then the value from AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.
  • -cp, --cloud-provider TEXT: The destination cloud storage provider's name to store the datablob. Currently, the API only supports aws and azure as cloud storage providers. If None (default value), then aws will be used as the cloud storage provider.
  • -r, --region TEXT: The destination cloud provider's region to save your datablob. If None (default value) then the default region will be assigned based on the cloud provider. In the case of aws, the datablob's source bucket region will be used and in the case of azure, westeurope will be used. The supported AWS regions are: ap-northeast-1, ap-northeast-2, ap-south-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ca-central-1, eu-central-1, eu-north-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-west-3, sa-east-1, us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2. The supported Azure Blob Storage regions are: australiacentral, australiacentral2, australiaeast, australiasoutheast, brazilsouth, canadacentral, canadaeast, centralindia, centralus, eastasia, eastus, eastus2, francecentral, francesouth, germanynorth, germanywestcentral, japaneast, japanwest, koreacentral, koreasouth, northcentralus, northeurope, norwayeast, norwaywest, southafricanorth, southafricawest, southcentralus, southeastasia, southindia, switzerlandnorth, switzerlandwest, uaecentral, uaenorth, uksouth, ukwest, westcentralus, westeurope, westindia, westus, westus2.
  • -t, --tag TEXT: A string to tag the datablob. If not passed, then the tag latest will be assigned to the datablob.
  • -q, --quiet: Output datablob uuid only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt db ls¤

Return the list of datablobs.


$ airt db ls [OPTIONS]


  • -o, --offset INTEGER: The number of datablobs to offset at the beginning. If None, then the default value 0 will be used. [default: 0]
  • -l, --limit INTEGER: The maximum number of datablobs to return from the server. If None, then the default value 100 will be used. [default: 100]
  • --disabled: If set to True, then only the deleted datablobs will be returned.Else, the default value False will be used to return only the listof active datablobs.
  • --completed: If set to True, then only the datablobs that are successfully downloadedto the server will be returned. Else, the default value False will be used toreturn all the datablobs.
  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -q, --quiet: Output only datablob uuids separated by space
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt db rm¤

Delete a datablob from the server.


$ airt db rm [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Datablob uuid. [required]


  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -q, --quiet: Output the deleted datablob uuid only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt db tag¤

Tag an existing datablob in the server.


$ airt db tag [OPTIONS]


  • -uuid, --datablob_uuid TEXT: Datablob uuid in the server. [required]
  • -n, --name TEXT: A string to tag the datablob. [required]
  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt db to-datasource¤

Process the datablob and return a datasource object.


$ airt db to-datasource [OPTIONS]


  • --uuid TEXT: Datablob uuid. [required]
  • --file-type TEXT: The file type of the datablob. Currently, the API only supports "csv" and "parquet" as file types. [required]
  • --index-column TEXT: The column to use as index (row labels). [required]
  • --sort-by TEXT: The column(s) to sort the data. Can either be a string or a JSON encoded list of strings. [required]
  • --deduplicate-data / --no-deduplicate-data: If set to True (default value False), the datasource will be created with duplicate rows removed. [default: no-deduplicate-data]
  • --blocksize TEXT: The number of bytes used to split larger files. If None, then the default value 256MB will be used. [default: 256MB]
  • --kwargs-json TEXT: Additional JSON encoded dict arguments to use while processing the data.e.g: To skip 100 lines from the bottom of file, pass '{"skipfooter": 100}'
  • -q, --quiet: Output datasource uuid only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt ds¤

A set of commands for managing datasources and training ML models on them.


$ airt ds [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • details: Return details of a datasource.
  • dtypes: Return the dtypes of the datasource.
  • head: Return the first few rows of the datasource.
  • ls: Return the list of datasources.
  • rm: Delete a datasource from the server.
  • tag: Tag an existing datasource in server.
  • train: Train a model against the datasource.

airt ds details¤

Return details of a datasource.


$ airt ds details [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Datasource uuid. [required]


  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt ds dtypes¤

Return the dtypes of the datasource.


$ airt ds dtypes [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Datasource uuid. [required]


  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt ds head¤

Return the first few rows of the datasource.


$ airt ds head [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Datasource uuid. [required]


  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt ds ls¤

Return the list of datasources.


$ airt ds ls [OPTIONS]


  • -o, --offset INTEGER: The number of datasources to offset at the beginning. If None, then the default value 0 will be used. [default: 0]
  • -l, --limit INTEGER: The maximum number of datasources to return from the server. If None, then the default value 100 will be used. [default: 100]
  • --disabled: If set to True, then only the deleted datasources will be returned.Else, the default value False will be used to return only the listof active datasources.
  • --completed: If set to True, then only the datasources that are successfully downloadedto the server will be returned. Else, the default value False will be used toreturn all the datasources.
  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -q, --quiet: Output only datasource uuids separated by space
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt ds rm¤

Delete a datasource from the server.


$ airt ds rm [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Datasource uuid. [required]


  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -q, --quiet: Output the deleted datasource uuid only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt ds tag¤

Tag an existing datasource in server.


$ airt ds tag [OPTIONS]


  • -uuid, --datasource_uuid TEXT: Datasource uuid. [required]
  • -n, --name TEXT: A string to tag the datasource. [required]
  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt ds train¤

Train a model against the datasource.


$ airt ds train [OPTIONS]


  • -uuid, --datasource_uuid TEXT: Datasource uuid. [required]
  • --client_column TEXT: The column name that uniquely identifies the users/clients. [required]
  • --timestamp_column TEXT: The timestamp column indicating the time of an event. If not passed, then the default value None will be used.
  • --target_column TEXT: Target column name that indicates the type of the event. [required]
  • --target TEXT: Target event name to train and make predictions. You can pass the target event as a string or as a regular expression for predicting more than one event. For example, passing *checkout will train a model to predict any checkout event. [required]
  • --predict_after TEXT: Time delta in hours of the expected target event. [required]
  • -q, --quiet: Output model uuid only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt model¤

A set of commands for querying the model training, evaluation, and prediction status.


$ airt model [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • details: Return the details of a model.
  • evaluate: Return the evaluation metrics of the...
  • ls: Return the list of models.
  • predict: Run predictions against the trained model.
  • rm: Delete a model from the server.

airt model details¤

Return the details of a model.


$ airt model details [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Model uuid [required]


  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt model evaluate¤

Return the evaluation metrics of the trained model.

Currently, this command returns the model's accuracy, precision, and recall. In the future, more performance metrics will be added.


$ airt model evaluate [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Model uuid. [required]


  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt model ls¤

Return the list of models.


$ airt model ls [OPTIONS]


  • -o, --offset INTEGER: The number of models to offset at the beginning. If None, then the default value 0 will be used. [default: 0]
  • -l, --limit INTEGER: The maximum number of models to return from the server. If None, then the default value 100 will be used. [default: 100]
  • --disabled: If set to True, then only the deleted models will be returned. Else, the default value False will be used to return only the list of active models.
  • --completed: If set to True, then only the models that are successfully downloaded to the server will be returned. Else, the default value False will be used to return all the models.
  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -q, --quiet: Output only uuids of model separated by space
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt model predict¤

Run predictions against the trained model.


$ airt model predict [OPTIONS]


  • --data_uuid TEXT: DataSource uuid. [required]
  • --uuid TEXT: Model uuid. [required]
  • -q, --quiet: Output the prediction id only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt model rm¤

Delete a model from the server.


$ airt model rm [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Model uuid [required]


  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -q, --quiet: Output the deleted Model uuid only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt pred¤

A set of commands for managing and downloading the predictions.


$ airt pred [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • details: Return the details of a prediction.
  • ls: Return the list of predictions.
  • rm: Delete a prediction from the server.
  • to-azure-blob-storage: Push the prediction results to the target...
  • to-clickhouse: Push the prediction results to a...
  • to-local: Download the prediction results to a local...
  • to-mysql: Push the prediction results to a mysql...
  • to-pandas: Return the prediction results as a pandas...
  • to-s3: Push the prediction results to the target...

airt pred details¤

Return the details of a prediction.


$ airt pred details [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Prediction uuid. [required]


  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt pred ls¤

Return the list of predictions.


$ airt pred ls [OPTIONS]


  • -o, --offset INTEGER: The number of predictions to offset at the beginning. If None, then the default value 0 will be used. [default: 0]
  • -l, --limit INTEGER: The maximum number of predictions to return from the server. If None, then the default value 100 will be used. [default: 100]
  • --disabled: If set to True, then only the deleted predictions will be returned. Else, the default value False will be used to return only the list of active predictions.
  • --completed: If set to True, then only the predictions that are successfully downloaded to the server will be returned. Else, the default value False will be used to return all the predictions.
  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -q, --quiet: Output only prediction uuids separated by space.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt pred rm¤

Delete a prediction from the server.


$ airt pred rm [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Prediction uuid. [required]


  • -q, --quiet: Output the deleted Prediction uuid only.
  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt pred to-azure-blob-storage¤

Push the prediction results to the target Azure Blob Storage.


$ airt pred to-azure-blob-storage [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Prediction uuid. [required]


  • --uri TEXT: Target Azure Blob Storage uri. [required]
  • -c, --credential TEXT: Credential to access the Azure Blob Storage. [required]
  • -q, --quiet: Output status only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt pred to-clickhouse¤

Push the prediction results to a clickhouse database.

If the database requires authentication, pass the username/password as commandline arguments or store it in the CLICKHOUSE_USERNAME and CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD environment variables.


$ airt pred to-clickhouse [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Prediction uuid. [required]


  • --host TEXT: Remote database host name. [required]
  • --database TEXT: Database name. [required]
  • --table TEXT: Table name. [required]
  • --protocol TEXT: Protocol to use (native/http). [required]
  • --port INTEGER: Host port number. If not passed, then the default value 0 will be used. [default: 0]
  • -u, --username TEXT: Database username. If not passed, then the value set in the environment variable CLICKHOUSE_USERNAME will be used else the default value root will be used.
  • -p, --password TEXT: Database password. If not passed, then the value set in the environment variable CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD will be used else the default value "" will be used.
  • -q, --quiet: Output status only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt pred to-local¤

Download the prediction results to a local directory.


$ airt pred to-local [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Prediction uuid. [required]


  • --path TEXT: Local directory path. [required]
  • -q, --quiet: Output status only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt pred to-mysql¤

Push the prediction results to a mysql database.

If the database requires authentication, pass the username/password as commandline arguments or store it in the AIRT_CLIENT_DB_USERNAME and AIRT_CLIENT_DB_PASSWORD environment variables.


$ airt pred to-mysql [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Prediction uuid. [required]


  • --host TEXT: Database host name. [required]
  • --database TEXT: Database name. [required]
  • --table TEXT: Table name. [required]
  • --port INTEGER: Host port number. If not passed, then the default value 3306 will be used. [default: 3306]
  • -u, --username TEXT: Database username. If not passed, then the value set in the environment variable AIRT_CLIENT_DB_USERNAME will be used else the default value root will be used.
  • -p, --password TEXT: Database password. If not passed, then the value set in the environment variable AIRT_CLIENT_DB_PASSWORD will be used else the default value "" will be used.
  • -q, --quiet: Output status only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt pred to-pandas¤

Return the prediction results as a pandas DataFrame.


$ airt pred to-pandas [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Prediction uuid. [required]


  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt pred to-s3¤

Push the prediction results to the target AWS S3 bucket.


$ airt pred to-s3 [OPTIONS] UUID


  • UUID: Prediction uuid. [required]


  • --uri TEXT: The target S3 bucket uri. [required]
  • --access-key TEXT: Access key for the target S3 bucket. If None (default value), then the value from AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable is used.
  • --secret-key TEXT: Secret key for the target S3 bucket. If None (default value), then the value from AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.
  • -q, --quiet: Output status only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt token¤

Get application token for airt service from a username/password pair.

To access the airt service, you must first create a developer account. To obtain one, please contact us at

After successful verification, you will receive an email with the username and password for the developer account.

Once you have the credentials, use them to get an access token by running airt token command. It is necessary to get an access token; otherwise, you won't be able to access all of the airt service's APIs. You can either pass the username, password, and server address as command line arguments or store them in the environment variables AIRT_SERVICE_USERNAME, AIRT_SERVICE_PASSWORD, and AIRT_SERVER_URL.

If you've already enabled multi-factor authentication (MFA) for your account, you'll need to pass the dynamically generated six-digit verification code along with your username and password to generate new tokens.

If the token is requested using Single sign-on (SSO), an authorization URL will be returned. Please copy and paste it into your preferred browser and complete the SSO provider authentication within 10 minutes. Otherwise, the SSO login will time out and you will need to re-request the token.

Single sign-on (SSO) can be enabled for your account in three simple steps:

  1. Enable the SSO for a provider by calling the command airt user sso enable with the SSO provider name and an email address. At the moment, we only support "google" and "github" as SSO providers. We intend to support additional SSO providers in future releases.

  2. Before you can start generating new tokens with SSO, you must first authenticate with the SSO provider. Call the airt token command with the same SSO provider you have enabled in the step above to generate an SSO authorization URL. Please copy and paste it into your preferred browser and complete the authentication process with the SSO provider.

  3. After successfully authenticating with the SSO provider, an access token will be generated and returned. Please set it in the AIRT_SERVICE_TOKEN environment variable for accessing the airt service.


$ airt token [OPTIONS]


  • -u, --username TEXT: Username for the developer account. If None (default value), then the value from AIRT_SERVICE_USERNAME environment variable is used.
  • -p, --password TEXT: Password for the developer account. If None (default value), then the value from AIRT_SERVICE_PASSWORD environment variable is used.
  • -s, --server TEXT: The airt server uri. If None (default value), then the value from AIRT_SERVER_URL environment variable is used. If the variable is not set as well, then the default public server will be used. Please leave this setting to default unless you are running the service in your own server (please email us to for that possibility).
  • --otp TEXT: Dynamically generated six-digit verification code from the authenticator app or the OTP you have received via SMS. Please do not pass this parameter if you haven't enabled the multi-factor authentication for your account.
  • -sp, --sso_provider TEXT: Name of the Single sign-on (SSO) provider. At the moment, we only support google and github as SSO providers. Please pass this parameter only if you have successfully enabled SSO for the provider.
  • -q, --quiet: Output authentication token only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt user¤

A set of commands for managing users and their authentication in the server.


$ airt user [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • create: Create a new user in the server.
  • details: Get user details
  • disable: Disable a user in the server.
  • enable: Enable a disabled user in the server.
  • ls: Return the list of users available in the...
  • mfa: Commands for enabling and disabling...
  • register-phone-number: Register and validate a phone number
  • reset-password: Reset the account password
  • sso: Commands for enabling and disabling Single...
  • update: Update existing user details in the server.

airt user create¤

Create a new user in the server.


$ airt user create [OPTIONS]


  • -un, --username TEXT: The new user's username. The username must be unique or an exception will be thrown. [required]
  • -fn, --first_name TEXT: The new user's first name. [required]
  • -ln, --last_name TEXT: The new user's last name. [required]
  • -e, --email TEXT: The new user's email. The email must be unique or an exception will be thrown. [required]
  • -p, --password TEXT: The new user's password. [required]
  • -st, --subscription_type TEXT: User subscription type. Currently, the API supports only the following subscription types small, medium and large. [required]
  • -su, --super_user: If set to True, then the new user will have super user privilages. If None, then the default value False will be used to create a non-super user.
  • -ph, --phone_number TEXT: Phone number to be added to the user account. The phone number should follow the pattern of the country code followed by your phone number. For example, 440123456789, +440123456789, 00440123456789, +44 0123456789,and (+44) 012 345 6789 are all valid formats for registering a UK phone number.
  • --otp TEXT: Dynamically generated six-digit verification code from the authenticator app. Please pass this optional argument only if you have activated the MFA for your account.
  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -q, --quiet: Output user uuid only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt user details¤

Get user details

Please do not pass the optional 'user' option unless you are a super user. Only a super user can view details for other users.


$ airt user details [OPTIONS]


  • -u, --user TEXT: Account user_uuid/username to get details. If not passed, then the currently logged-in details will be returned.
  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -q, --quiet: Output user uuid only.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt user disable¤

Disable a user in the server.


$ airt user disable [OPTIONS] USERS...


  • USERS...: user_uuid/username to disabled. To disable multiple users, please pass the uuids/names separated by space. [required]


  • --otp TEXT: Dynamically generated six-digit verification code from the authenticator app. Please pass this optional argument only if you have activated the MFA for your account.
  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -q, --quiet: Output user uuid only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt user enable¤

Enable a disabled user in the server.


$ airt user enable [OPTIONS] USERS...


  • USERS...: user_uuid/username to enable. To enable multiple users, please pass the uuids/names separated by space. [required]


  • --otp TEXT: Dynamically generated six-digit verification code from the authenticator app. Please pass this optional argument only if you have activated the MFA for your account.
  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -q, --quiet: Output user uuid only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt user ls¤

Return the list of users available in the server.


$ airt user ls [OPTIONS]


  • -o, --offset INTEGER: The number of users to offset at the beginning. If None, then the default value 0 will be used. [default: 0]
  • -l, --limit INTEGER: The maximum number of users to return from the server. If None, then the default value 100 will be used. [default: 100]
  • --disabled: If set to True, then only the deleted users will be returned. Else, the default value False will be used to return only the list of active users.
  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -q, --quiet: Output only user uuids separated by space
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt user mfa¤

Commands for enabling and disabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).


$ airt user mfa [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • disable: Disable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)...
  • enable: Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)...

airt user mfa disable¤

Disable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for the user.

The command switches to interactive mode unless the OTP argument is passed. The interactive mode will prompt you to choose an OTP option you want to use. Currently, we only support disabling MFA either using a TOTP or SMS OTP.

If you have access to the authenticator application, then you can either enter the dynamically generated six-digit verification code from the authenticator app (TOTP) or request an OTP via SMS to your registered phone number.

After selecting an option, please follow the on-screen instructions to disable MFA for your account. In case, you don't have access to the authenticator app and your registered phone number, please contact your administrator.

Note: Please do not pass the user argument unless you are a super user. Only a super user can disable MFA for other users.


$ airt user mfa disable [OPTIONS]


  • -u, --user TEXT: Account user_uuid/username to disable MFA. If not passed, then the default value None will be used to disable MFA for the currently logged-in user.
  • --otp TEXT: Dynamically generated six-digit verification code from the authenticator app or the OTP you have received via SMS.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt user mfa enable¤

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for the user.

This is an interactive command and will generate a QR code. You can use an authenticator app, such as Google Authenticator to scan the code and enter the valid six-digit verification code from the authenticator app in the interactive prompt to enable and activate MFA for your account.

After three invalid attempts, you have to call this command again to generate a new QR code.


$ airt user mfa enable [OPTIONS]


  • --otp TEXT: Dynamically generated six-digit verification code from the authenticator app. Please pass this optional argument only if you have activated the MFA for your account.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt user register-phone-number¤

Register and validate a phone number

This is an interactive command, one called it will send an OTP via SMS to the phone number. Please enter the OTP you have received in the interactive prompt to complete the phone number registration process.

After ten invalid OTP attempts, you have to call this command again to register the phone number.


$ airt user register-phone-number [OPTIONS]


  • -p, --phone-number TEXT: Phone number to register. The phone number should follow the pattern of the country code followed by your phone number. For example, 440123456789, +440123456789, 00440123456789, +44 0123456789, and (+44) 012 345 6789 are all valid formats for registering a UK phone number. If the phone number is not passed in the arguments, then the OTP will be sent to the phone number that was already registered to the user's account.
  • --otp TEXT: Dynamically generated six-digit verification code from the authenticator app. Please pass this optional argument only if you have activated the MFA for your account.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt user reset-password¤

Reset the account password

We currently support two types of OTPs to reset the password for your account and you don't have to be logged in to call this command

The command switches to interactive mode unless all arguments are passed. The interactive mode will prompt you for the missing details and ask you to choose a recovery option to reset your password. Currently, we only support resetting the password either using a TOTP or SMS OTP.

If you have already activated the MFA for your account, then you can either enter the dynamically generated six-digit verification code from the authenticator app (TOTP) or request an OTP via SMS to your registered phone number.

If the MFA is not activated already, then you can only request the OTP via SMS to your registered phone number.

After selecting an option, please follow the on-screen instructions to reset your password. In case, you don't have MFA enabled or don't have access to your registered phone number, please contact your administrator.


$ airt user reset-password [OPTIONS]


  • -u, --username TEXT: Account username to reset the password
  • -np, --new-password TEXT: New password to set for the account
  • --otp TEXT: Dynamically generated six-digit verification code from the authenticator app
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt user sso¤

Commands for enabling and disabling Single sign-on (SSO).


$ airt user sso [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • disable: Disable Single sign-on (SSO) for the user.
  • enable: Enable Single sign-on (SSO) for the user

airt user sso disable¤

Disable Single sign-on (SSO) for the user.

Please do not pass the user argument unless you are a super user. Only a super user can disable SSO for other users.


$ airt user sso disable [OPTIONS] SSO_PROVIDER


  • SSO_PROVIDER: Name of the Single sign-on (SSO) identity provider. At present, the API only supports Google and Github as valid SSO identity providers. [required]


  • -u, --user TEXT: Account user_uuid/username to disable MFA. If not passed, then the default value None will be used to disable SSO for the currently logged-in user.
  • --otp TEXT: Dynamically generated six-digit verification code from the authenticator app. Please pass this optional argument only if you have activated the MFA for your account.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt user sso enable¤

Enable Single sign-on (SSO) for the user


$ airt user sso enable [OPTIONS] SSO_PROVIDER


  • SSO_PROVIDER: Name of the Single sign-on (SSO) identity provider. At present, the API only supports Google and Github as valid SSO identity providers. [required]


  • -e, --email TEXT: Email id going to be used for SSO authentication. [required]
  • --otp TEXT: Dynamically generated six-digit verification code from the authenticator app. Please pass this optional argument only if you have activated the MFA for your account.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt user update¤

Update existing user details in the server.

Please do not pass the optional user option unless you are a super user. Only a super user can update details for other users.


$ airt user update [OPTIONS]


  • --user TEXT: Account user_uuid/username to update. If not passed, then the default value None will be used to update the currently logged-in user details.
  • -un, --username TEXT: New username for the user.
  • -fn, --first_name TEXT: New first name for the user.
  • -ln, --last_name TEXT: New last name for the user.
  • -e, --email TEXT: New email for the user.
  • --otp TEXT: Dynamically generated six-digit verification code from the authenticator app. Please pass this optional argument only if you have activated the MFA for your account.
  • -f, --format TEXT: Format output and show only the given column(s) values.
  • -q, --quiet: Output user uuid only.
  • -d, --debug: Set logger level to DEBUG and output everything.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

airt version¤

Return the server and client versions.


$ airt version [OPTIONS]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.